Cloud Computing Basics

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by bizboon

December 23, 2014

Cloud Computing Basics

Cloud Computing Basics

To run a successful business, it’s important to stay abreast with the latest technology. One of the results of advancement of technology is cloud computing. According to BizBoon-the leading cloud computing providers in India, Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among small to mid size businesses because it enables your small business to use your business high speed Internet connection to access many of the most popular business applications without the need for investment in computer hardware of software.  If you own a company or are planning to start one, here are certain things you need to know.

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing a pool of physical and/or virtual resources, rather than deploying local or personal hardware and software. Clouds are owned by large single parties such as individual companies and are usually used by small to medium commercial businesses and researchers.

Main benefits of cloud computing

  • Reduce spending on technology infrastructure: Many companies today are virtualizing their mission-critical applications. To do so, they need the virtual machines associated with those applications. Cloud computing gives companies a way to do this without having to buy new servers.
  • Saves Cost: Cloud computing allows companies to move their applications to a provider’s infrastructure and save the cost of a data center expansion.
  • Globalize your workforce: People worldwide can access the cloud, provided they have an Internet connection.
  • Saves money: There’s no need to spend big money on hardware, software or licensing fees.

How to find a good cloud computing consultant?

Before you set out to find a cloud computing consulting company for your business, here are certain steps you need to follow.

  • Determine whether a cloud computing solution is right for your business.
  • Once you determine the type of cloud service is most suitable for your business, the next step you need to undertake is to determine your company’s needs.
  • Find out whether the service be up and running when your business needs it most

The great thing about cloud computing is that the services can help companies be more responsive to market conditions, all while reining in IT costs. So, log in to to utilize the power of highly advanced cloud servers in India.

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