BizBoon takes steps to respect copyright and/or intellectual property rights of others, and encourages its users to be accurate and truthful when sharing information on BizBoon website. BizBoon takes no responsibly when users access or use contents, services or products on other websites through BizBoon site. Content, products or services available through third-party websites are governed and protected by intellectual and copyright laws of Canada and/or other countries. Please note that use of these websites is governed by the User Agreement (Terms of Use) of those websites and not by BizBoon’s.
It is BizBoon’s policy, accordance to User Agreement, and in appropriate circumstances, to terminate and/or disable accounts that violate, infringe or repeatedly infringe on the intellectual property or copyright of BizBoon and/or others. BizBoon’s User Agreement requires that users do not violate and/or infringe on third-party copyright and/or intellectual property rights, and that users post lawful and accurate information at all times. At our sole discretion, BizBoon may disable, delete or remove content posted on BizBoon site upon receipt of verified notice of complaint regarding unlawful, inaccurate or infringement of copyright and/or intellectual property rights. Also, at BizBoon’s sole discretion, we may forward the complainant’s contact information to the User who posted the content under dispute. The User may submit, under penalty of perjury, a truthful counter-notice directly to the complainant. The User must ensure to include their contact information in the counter-notice to the complainant.
Filing a notice or count-notice has legal and financial consequences, particularly, when they are fraudulent and/or bad faith submissions. Please note that any untruthful and/or false notice or counter-notice may result in personal liability including legal costs and/or fees incurred by our Users or us. If you are not certain of whether the material is an infringement, it is advisable to contact an attorney before submitting a notice or counter-notice. Therefore, please be sure that you are the actual rights holder or that you believe in good faith that the removal or disablement of the material was a mistake or in error, and that you fully understand the consequences and repercussions of submitting an untruthful, false, or unlawful claim.
Under Canadian Copyright Act, Bill C-60, BizBoon has implemented procedures to receive written complaint regarding content infringement, copyright and/or intellectual property rights. If you believe in good faith that copyright infringement has occurred on BizBoon site by a User, please submit a notice of copyright infringement by providing us with the following information:
Submit your notice of content infringement by email or mail at:
BizBoon Inc.
16025 Seventh Concession
King, Ontario
L7B 0E1
Submitting a Counter-Notice
Under Canadian Copyright Act, Bill C-60, if you believe in good faith that a notice filed against you is inaccurate and/or improper, you can submit a counter-notice by providing the following information to us:
When submitting a counter-notice please ensure to include the disabled or removal message/notification sent to you in the body of your reply letter or email. Please note that at our sole discretion and accordance to our policies and procedures, BizBoon will process the counter-notice, and any assertions you make are under penalty of perjury, and that you fully understand the consequences and repercussion of any false claims. Submit a counter-notice by email or mail at
BizBoon Inc.
16025 Seventh Concession
King, Ontario
L7B 0E1
NOTE: Due to security issues and concerns, any infringement notification submitted electronically with attachments will not be received and/or processed.
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