Canadian Cloud Storage

With cloud computing becoming the preferred choice of the organisations, cloud storage has come to the forefront of IT manager.s conscious attention. As far as the Canadian cloud storage landscape is concerned, the businesses in Canada are not averse to move IT storage to the cloud. Not only that, the use of cloud for enterprise storage in the country is increasing as businesses are gradually realizing the benefits of such services. Therefore, many cloud storage providers in Canada are starting offer cost effective solutions to these businesses.

The phenomenon of exponential growth of data worldwide at an astronomical pace of about 50% per annum is the result of enhanced business activities across different verticals of businesses. This is also true in Canada where spiralling growth of data is a fact. To meet this demand, many Canadian cloud storage providers have realized the need for customized services for corporations.

Today, information, needless to say, is the most important asset for an organisation. It is also a truism that the loss of information may lead to a situation where many organisations run the risk of going out of business. And it is for certain, data or information recession is never going to be a reality. Like elsewhere in the world, the organisations in Canada are facing an exponential increase in the amounts of data. It is no exaggeration; there is an urgent need for Canadian cloud storage solutions to store the information. Disaster recovery solutions and regulatory compliance are also leading to the increased adoption of storage solutions by the organisations. And it is also very much to the point to underscore the fact thatstorage of information is no longer just a plain case of saving the said data thanks to the changing dynamics the IT infrastructure has undergone over the years. Thus there are new cloud service providers in Canada, such as Rackforce and Clouda who offer state of the art cutting edge solutions customized for their customers.

However, while industry in Canada is well on the way to embrace the storage solutions in the cloud, security and compliance are the key deterrent for the market to embrace adopt cloud. According to an estimate, almost 54 percent of businesses in Canada are going to move their IT operations to the cloud this year. However, it must be kept in mind that when it comes to cloud security, it is more of a trust issue than a technology issue. Vendors are coming up with newer technologies, methodologies, services and know-how which have the potential of securing the cloud. What is of great importance is that there should be a higher degree of trust between the cloud service providers and the businesses that use cloud resources.

There are several cloud storage providers in Canada, who provide cloud storage services through private and public clouds. It is incumbent on them to have not only the best information security system in the world but also to create trust relationships. To achieve a safe cloud storage environment, the service providers need to enforce rigorous cloud strategies by applying years of security and storage expertise around the protection of information, policy, people and infrastructures.

For some organizations in Canada, while private cloud is a safe bet, for many, public cloud computing is the panacea to their IT woes. However, it can be said with absolute certainty that a hybrid cloud is the middle ground providing the best of both the world.

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