Business Partnership – Connect & Close the Gap

by bizboon

November 9, 2013

Business Partnership – Connect & Close the Gap

To stay competitive in a highly dynamic environment, deliberate and multi-year strategic planning and resource planning are no longer enough for firms to create and sustain competitive advantage. The effects of globalization, technological change, disruptive technological innovation, deregulation, global political turbulence (terrorism), and the rise of emerging markets (China and India) all have forced firms to

  •  establish strategic partnerships,
  • continuously evaluate resources and capabilities to meet the changing needs of the internal and external environment.

Most public and private organizations are challenged by the above environmental dynamics. How organizations establish strategic partnership, adapt, align, integrate and reconfigure their capabilities to adjust to technological disruption and innovations will determine long-term rent generation and growth. As such, competitive advantage can be gained with the utilization of suitable modern technology such as collaborative/social media including Google+, Blogging, Wikis, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Bizboon to name a few. Many firms in various industries have benefited in many ways from these and other technological opportunities to globally expand their operations. For example, Bizboon offers firms a virtual plate to search and connect with local business partners in India, Canada, United States, China, and other markets.

However, the current business reality is that most organizations have the tendency to continue to use the same resources and capabilities including the same partners to deal with ever changing business environment. When launched in January, 2014 Bizboon will enhance global partnership, resource optimization, product and/or service delivery possible sooner and faster. In this respect, a firm can sustain competitive advantage if it continuously learns and unlearns from diverse global and local partners; and thus, develop its capability to reconfigure and transform, enhance its organizational routines, and develop cross-cultural skills and competencies.

BizBoon Team

BizBoon provides businesses worldwide a platform to connect with each other to discover new business opportunities and new markets. We are actively connecting with businesses across the globe to serve you better. Bring Businesses Together with us at
