BizBoon Blog

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by bizboon

December 23, 2014

Cloud Computing Basics

To run a successful business, it’s important to stay abreast with the latest technology. One of the results of advancement of technology is cloud computing. According to BizBoon-the leading cloud computing providers in India, Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular among small to mid size businesses because it enables your small business to use your […]


by bizboon

December 15, 2014

Tapping into B2B Market

B2B is an acronym for “business to business”. A B2B business is one in which one business provides products or services to other businesses.  A B2B business is different from B2C business in the sense that while under the latter type businesses offers products or services direct to the consumers. While a business makes a […]


by bizboon

December 10, 2014

Best Small Business Ideas

As 2015 is approaching fast, here is an opportunity to jump on the entrepreneurial bandwagon and start the business of your choice. As experts in business, we could not resist the temptation of divulging the best small business ideas that will have great potential in 2015. As these best small business ideas are based on […]

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by bizboon

December 5, 2014

Leveraging Social Media for Business Profits

The role of social media sites for making new business connections is a truism. In the past, online communities consisted of mostly those who participated in online activities as aliases. However, this has changed whereby social networks have been transformed into virtual world where millions of people now don’t hesitate to use their real identities […]


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