BizBoon Blog

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by bizboon

December 5, 2014

Leveraging Social Media for Business Profits

The role of social media sites for making new business connections is a truism. In the past, online communities consisted of mostly those who participated in online activities as aliases. However, this has changed whereby social networks have been transformed into virtual world where millions of people now don’t hesitate to use their real identities […]

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by bizboon

November 17, 2014

Do You Need A Business Consultant?

In this age of cut throat competition, it is imperative to plan the right strategies and make the right moves to stay a cut above the rest. Whether you are running a small business or something on a very large scale, business consulting services will help you take the right steps in the right direction […]

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by bizboon

November 13, 2014

Global business services: unlocking greater business potential

It would not be an exaggeration to say that there are as many definitions of the terms “global business services“ (GBS) or “global business management” (GBM) as the number of organizations. As unanimity on what is meant by GBS or GBM is still not near the sight, companies have come out with their own versions.  […]

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by bizboon

November 10, 2014

Professional Networking & Business Success

Professional Networking is one of the most important aspects of a successful business.  It has been found that the contacts one makes in the classroom while pursuing their studies often become a lifetime affair and a well-oiled professional network can be of immense help in the progress of career. Most of the people resort to […]

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by bizboon

October 16, 2014

Business Transition And Growth With Networking Services

Profit is not the ultimate of goal of businesses today. Growing steadily and constantly is the right way to carve a successful path for your venture. How can you do it? Networking is a great solution to find b2b connection, since herein you can track other business people with whom you can share the same […]

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by bizboon

September 23, 2014

Small Business Ideas

Entrepreneurs have a lot of small business ideas ranging from   personal, retail and environmental services to technology. In different countries the levels of support small businesses receive from their governments vary depending on their industry. Those who efficiently optimize this support and execute their ideas are successful. This makes it very important to evaluate small […]

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by bizboon

July 1, 2014

Access International Partners with a Global Business Network

The international market is changing.  The size of China’s economy is poised to exceed the US economy by the end of 2014 and India currently has the 3rd largest economy in the world.  Technology and a growing consumer demands make a Global Business Network essential to any business with plans to expand.  A Global Business […]

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by bizboon

June 29, 2014

Discover New Business Opportunities

In today’s increasingly competitive world, to sustain and grow your business, it is essential that you discover new business opportunities. Whether you are an experienced businessman or a rookie entrepreneur, it is important that you understand international competition. It is only then that you could withstand economic down turns in your countries and grow your […]


by bizboon

February 16, 2014

Business Partners Ensure Strategic Management

The overall functioning of organizational effectiveness, operational efficiency, and business performance greatly depends on strategic leadership and engaged business partners. That is, internal leaders and external strategic business partners play a critical role in the design, development, and execution of operation strategy and practices to achieve operational objectives. In order for operation strategy to be […]

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by bizboon

February 7, 2014

Succeeding with a Great Business Plan

A Business Plan is the backbone of any successful business. No matter how unique your idea is, it has to be commercially viable.  To test this reality you need a plan. Generally a business plan comprises of an Executive Summary, a Business Description, a Competitive analysis, Market Strategies, a Design & Development Plan, as well as […]


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